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WaterRower A1 Home Rowing Machine

rowers-waterrower-a1homeWhen talking about the model A1 Home, one feels the lack of epithets as the device is a real masterpiece! It is one of the best models in terms of design and functional use. The impression is still fresh, and we are eager to start our review. So let’s get closer to what we’ve experienced during the machine test.

The aluminum beam is one of the most remarkable features (we would even say attributes) of the machine. It is designed to perform a quiet and smooth action even at high stroke rates. You have a very comfortable rowing position, received by a combination of well-designed footrests, ergo-handles, and a convenient padded seat. The only thing that spoiled the overall impression is the monitor, but we’ll get back to it a little bit later. Right now we’ll talk about the resistance.

waterrower-a1-home-rowing-machine-[4]-2222-pAs you may guess, the machine uses a water-mechanism to strain your muscles. The majority of rowing devices use air fans or hydraulic mechanisms to make your muscles work. But A1 cannot be referred to a low-cost segment of the market that uses that kind of equipment. The average price of a machine is 1100$, which means you should get a durable and efficient training base for that sum. If you want to change the resistance level, you need to add or drain the water, that’s all. No more leaking pistons or noisy fans! Some may think that the water needs to be changed very often, but practically, all you need to do is to throw a purification tablet once every six months into the water tank. Maintenance becomes the easiest part ever! If your device stays in the direct sunlight, it may rise to every four months, and even this is not difficult at all.

WaterRower A1 Home Review

The Monitor

The only drawback that we’ve found about the A1 is its display. The screen is very basic and, as the result, it is not compatible with the heart-rate monitors. For people who use heart-rate programs, this may become a disappointment. It contains all the necessary data like time, stroke rate, calories used, and distance rowed. If you look for features like intervals or a PC interface, you won’t find it there. But those features would cost you an additional sum of money if you compare it to the other same category machines. It’s up to you to decide whether you need them.


  • A beautiful design!
  • Works very quietly
  • A comfortable seat
  • Easy to operate
  • Light and yet durable construction
  • Excellent warranty (five years on frame, three years on parts)


  • Limited functions of the console
  • No heart rate monitor feature

The Verdict

The materials and the overall design make this rowing machine look beautiful and be a pleasure to use! The resistance may become a challenge for users with even a half-full water tank. The monitor is the only thing that disappoints though it is not the essential part of the device. If you prefer high-tech appliances, you may check some more expensive models. But if you are not planning to win medals or participate in Olympiad, this machine will last you for years.

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